Spelling School, Oxford

Logic Spell - fourth part of Fohandnag's Spelling Course for students age 10 to 12.

  • the software is specially designed for people suffering from dyslexia
  • employs a system which is easy, logical and powerful
  • a truly multi-sensory approach makes it a fast-working spelling course
  • it is the most efficient private teacher to be found on your desktop
  • about 6000 words are listed according to the second, rather than the first letter of the word - a more defining feature of the overall shape of the word. This approach appears to work with people who like to group words in a simple and logical way. So if you love mathematics but English is your weaker subject then this Spelling course should be your choice.
  • the Score Section allows you to monitor the learning progress or print out words that you have misspelled. You can study them later at your leisure.
  • the whole spelling course is divided into 10 chapters. It is called 10 steps to success.

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Logic Spell 01

Chapter 01 contains words with the second letter “a”, so that even though the first syllable in words like dancer, danger or dawdle is pronounced differently you know that the second letter is “a” and not “e” or “o” like it sounds phonetically. While practising all you have to do is remember which chapter these words are in and you will always know the correct spelling.

Chapter 01 is divided into 11 sections.

Section 1 has words starting with Ba, 
section 2 words staring with Ca, 
section 3 words staring with Da, 
section 4 words staring with Fa, 
section 5 words staring with La, 
section 6 words staring with Ma, 
section 7 words staring with Pa, 
section 8 words staring with Ra, 
section 9 words staring with Sa, 
section 10 words staring with Ta, 
section 11 all other words with the second letter a.

Chapter 02 contains all words with the second letter “e”. This chapter is also divided into 11 sections.

Section 1 has words starting with Be, 
section 2 words staring with Ce, 
section 3 words staring with De, 
section 4 words staring with Fe, 
section 5 words staring with Le, 
section 6 words staring with Me, 
section 7 words staring with Pe, 
section 8 words staring with Re, 
section 9 words staring with Se, 
section 10 words staring with Te, 
section 11 all other words with the second letter e.

Chapter 03 contains all words with the second letter “i”. This chapter is also divided into 11 sections.

Section 1 has words starting with Bi, 
section 2 words staring with Ci, 
section 3 words staring with Di, 
section 4 words staring with Fi, 
section 5 words staring with Li, 
section 6 words staring with Mi, 
section 7 words staring with Pi, 
section 8 words staring with Ri, 
section 9 words staring with Si, 
section 10 words staring with Ti, 
section 11 all other words with the second letter i.

Chapter 04 contains all words with the second letter “o”. This chapter is also divided into 11 sections.

Section 1 has words starting with Bo, 
section 2 words staring with Co, 
section 3 words staring with Do, 
section 4 words staring with Fo, 
section 5 words staring with Lo, 
section 6 words staring with Mo, 
section 7 words staring with Po, 
section 8 words staring with Ro, 
section 9 words staring with So, 
section 10 words staring with To, 
section 11 all other words with the second letter o.

Chapter 05 contains all words with the second letter “u”. This chapter is also divided into 11 sections.

Section 1 has words starting with Bu, 
section 2 words staring with Cu, 
section 3 words staring with Du, 
section 4 words staring with Fu, 
section 5 words staring with Lu, 
section 6 words staring with Mu, 
section 7 words staring with Pu, 
section 8 words staring with Ru, 
section 9 words staring with Su, 
section 10 words staring with Tu, 
section 11 all other words with the second letter u.

Chapter 06 contains all words with the second letter “r”. This chapter is divided into 7 sections.

Section 1 has words starting with Br, 
section 2 words staring with Cr, 
section 3 words staring with Dr, 
section 4 words staring with Fr, 
section 5 words staring with Tr, 
section 6 words staring with Pr, 
section 7 all other words with the second letter r.

Chapter 07 contains words with the second letter “x”, “v”, “y”. This chapter is divided into 3 sections.

Chapter 08 contains words with the second letter “n”, “h”, “l”. This chapter is divided into 3 sections.

Chapter 09 contains words with the second letter “c”, “p”, “t”, “w”. This chapter is divided into 4 sections.

Chapter 10 contains words with the second letter “b”, “d”, “f”, “m” and “j,z,q”, “s”, “g”, “k”. This chapter is divided into 8 sections.

This arrangement helps you to study words in 10 chapters. After testing you will know which group is proving the most difficult for you and where you should focus your efforts to improve your spelling. This approach appears to work with people who like to group words in a simple and logical way. It is called 10 steps to success.

Once you have learned these arrangement of words further spelling studies may be based on it. Whilst your vocabulary increases and new, difficult words appear, you will be able to add these words to the relevant chapter, as each chapter contains a note page, where you can record new words.

People enjoy this spelling course because the arrangement is very logical. So if you love mathematics but English is your weaker subject then this Spelling course should be your choice.

Other screenshots:


Logic Spell 04

Vocabulary Section:

Logic Spell 03

Score Section:

Logic Spell 05

Bookmarks Section:

Logic Spell 06


Once you learn about this arrangement of words and familiarise yourself with it you will always be able to use it when studying and learning how to spell. It helps you place all other words you will learn into 10 simple and easy to remember groups. Eventually each word will have its place (chapter). And you will always know on which chapter you should focus.

When all words are grouped the learning is logical and easy. Bookmark feature, Score section, Vocabulary section and functionality are very similar to the Easy spell course, so please refer to that product for screenshots and additional information.

Copyright © Spelling Limited 2011